Using outdated apps or templates and plug-ins for them, or using simple passwords always poses a threat to your websites as these things make it significantly easier hack them. Things can get even worse if you have several websites because all of them will be vulnerable when an attacker takes over just one of them. This is the reason why we've introduced JailHost - an advanced security option which isolates sites from each other. In the event that an Internet site is compromised, the attacker will be unable to see or access any other content outside the website folder, so all the rest of the Internet sites part of the account will be protected and will be intact. Using the JailHost option won't replace carrying out regular script updates or using proper passwords, but it'll minimize the damage to your websites significantly, so you'll have to fix only one Internet site instead of all of them.

JailHost in Hosting

In case you host your Internet sites inside a hosting account from our firm, you'll be able to protect them by using the JailHost feature with just a couple of mouse clicks in your Hepsia Control Panel. The option is available with all plans and can be activated for each folder as the domains and subdomains in Hepsia have individual folders, so that files for many different Internet sites do not get mixed up as it often happens with other Control Panels. We haven't activated JailHost by default as you might use scripts which require access to folders outside the primary site folder and this option may interfere with their correct operation, but securing all other folders is very simple. If a protected site gets hacked for whatever reason, we'll be able to recover it promptly since we'll have multiple daily backups of your entire account and you will even be able to search the available backups in Hepsia.

JailHost in Semi-dedicated Servers

All of our semi-dedicated server plans come with JailHost provided by default. The option is not enabled automatically when you add a domain since you may want to use a specific script which accesses multiple folders in the account, but you can activate it without any difficulty through your Hepsia Control Panel and protect the rest of your sites with just a few clicks. Hepsia is much better to use for people who have multiple websites because it keeps them in individual folders and does not keep the files for several sites in the same folder as it often happens with many other Control Panels. This allows us to offer JailHost as all of the folders can be separated from each other. In case that any one of your Internet sites is hacked, we can almost instantly restore it because of the several daily backup copies which we'll keep and meanwhile the attacker won't be able to do further damage because the access to your other Internet sites will be stopped.