Every time some content is uploaded to a hosting account or downloaded from it, some web site traffic is produced and this is a feature that every single hosting package comes with. It's also one of the features you need to check, since what amount of site traffic quota you will need depends on the things you need the account for. The traffic is generally generated by downloads including site visits. In layman's terms, anytime someone visits your site, the webpages are downloaded from the server on their computer and they are then shown by their internet browser. It's of course recommendable to know that uploads count as well, which means that when you copy bigger files from your computer system to the server, some traffic is generated too. Different suppliers may have different names for this specific feature, for example traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, however all of them apply to the very same thing - the exact amount of incoming and outgoing info created for a given period of time.

Monthly Traffic in Hosting

Our hosting plans were designed with the notion to take care of the site traffic generated by any kind of website that can function in such an account. In case you own one or a few different small-scale or medium-sized web sites, you won't be limited by the monthly traffic allowance irrespective of what content you have - plain text or perhaps plenty of images, for instance. The stats in the hosting Control Panel will give you detailed details about the site traffic produced by each web site and the total amount for your account in general. The stats are updated live and show both the day-to-day and the monthly usage, therefore you will be aware of how much info is transferred to and from the web hosting account anytime. Day one of every month your counter is reset, but you'll be able to see the web site traffic statistics for the previous months, that will inform you on how your web sites perform.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers

The monthly web site traffic characteristic of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting plans is unrestricted, or as a number of companies advertise it, unmetered. Of course, we monitor the amount of uploaded and downloaded content for each account, yet we won't ever put any restriction, therefore your web sites can grow and receive more website visitors. We only give you detailed information what's going on in the account in order to help you manage your web sites more efficiently and to have an idea how they function. You can see the traffic generated by every single website and the most frequently downloaded web page or file. The stats are monthly, daily and hourly. In a continually evolving internet world, you will be able to receive very many new visitors with just a single advertising campaign, therefore by providing a truly unlimited package, we'll make sure that you do not lose potential customers because your account can't take care of the traffic.

Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers

The monthly website traffic quota that you'll get using our VPS servers is enough for any type of website and it is proportional to all the rest of the system resources that are included with every package. With a more powerful server, you will be able to manage a number of websites or several popular websites, thus the traffic allowance for the superior packages is also larger. In case you choose a low-end VPS plan, you're able to update at any time with a couple of clicks from your billing Control Panel and the additional resources will be included in your existing account, including the extra traffic allowance. All of the VPS accounts come preloaded with a server administration panel where you will be able to monitor the used and remaining website traffic for the current month in addition to all the other system resources. In addition, we send notifications when you get to 90% of your limit, so you will have enough time to react and update if necessary.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers

With a dedicated server, you'll have a very efficient web hosting solution at your disposal and the traffic quota that you will get matches all the other features. The server can generate terabytes of website traffic every month, so irrespective of the type or number of web sites that you host, you'll never need to worry for them being not reachable because of insufficient site traffic. To be on the safe side however, we will give you the opportunity to upgrade this feature if required. We will inform you in advance if you get close to the limit, so you'll have the option to upgrade or decrease your traffic by optimizing your content to avoid any interruption of the work of your websites. You can keep track of the used and remaining traffic for the present month through the management panel that we supply. The data there features all incoming and outgoing transfers, which includes software setups and / or updates. In contrast, a hosting Control Panel can give more detailed info, but only for the website traffic to and from a hosting account, not the server altogether.