Data Backups

Have you ever lost your web site content? Do turn to our backup service

When published on the net, your site content will be a potential subject to hack assaults. It could be affected even by your very own personal unintended actions. Choose us and, there’s nothing to worry about, considering that we always keep a backup of your site content, which will be recovered anytime. Moreover, you can create manual backups of your entire web site with one click of the mouse at the File Manager, which is located in the Website Control Panel. Our system will successfully restore all your web site files and will compress them into an archive, which will be saved in your web hosting account.

Data Backups

True Cloud Platform

Take a Tour

We’ve created our very own custom hosting system based on the latest high–performance technologies. With every service (DNSs, e–mail messages, databases, web applications, etc.) taken care of by an autonomous physical server, your web site content will operate in the cloud and will also be totally protected against unexpected network downtimes and service interruptions.

True Cloud Platform

Web Hosting Control Panel

All the handy site management tools that you need in a single location

Control your web sites with a mouse click using the custom–made point ’n’ click Website Control Panel. It is fitted out with a drag & drop File Manager, an all–inclusive Domain Name Manager for all your domain names (you can change your WHOIS details and your nameserver settings, lock/unlock and Whois Privacy Protect your domains, create custom DNS records, etcetera), a swift E Mail Accounts Manager (you can forward e–mail messages, order unsolicited junk email protection, create autoresponder messages, create electronic mail filters, order anti–spoofing protection, etc.), a Database Manager for managing multiple MySQL & PgSQL databases, an in–depth statistics interface and lots of advanced tools.

Web Hosting Control Panel

Multiple Data Centers

Hosting solutions on three continents

Our hosting network spreads across 3 continents – North America (the Colohouse data center in Chicago, IL, US), Europe (UK Servers datacenter facility in Coventry, UK, the Ficolo underground data center in Pori, Finland and the S3 data center in Sofia, Bulgaria) and Australia (the Amaze datacenter facility in Sydney). Because of this, irrespective of where you actually reside, you will be able to select a data center that is close to your target website visitors. So that, you will ensure the fastest achievable website load speeds for them. You are able to pick your data center anytime with a click on the order page.

Multiple Data Centers

NVMe Drives

Momentarily improve the loading speed of your site

If you would like to give your web site a top speed boost, all you have to do is just to host it with us. Our hosting machines sport NVMe drives, so on every single physical machine you’ll take full advantage of exceptional read/write speeds, which will make your site insanely fast.

Thanks to the exceptional online connectivity offered by each of our cloud hosting Datacenters, your web site will start to load so much faster without the need for any additional modifications from you.

NVMe Drives

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

Unhappy with your site’s speed? Claim a refund.

We’re trying our best to offer a top–class web hosting service to you. A new hosting system, a selection of first–rate Datacenters and a set of Web Accelerator Instruments will ensure the best speeds for your websites. However, if you’re not delighted by our cloud hosting services, you can request your money back within the first 30 days of your registration.

30–Day Money–Back Guarantee

VPN Access

Safe, private browsing

If you wish to stay truly anonymous while browsing the web, we offer you a simple option. With each of our hosting packs, you can obtain Virtual Private Network access. We’ll forward all your inbound and outbound website traffic through one of our virtual private network data centers, making your cyber footmark untraceable. And you will gain VPN access irrespective of what web–connected device you’re using.

VPN Access