FTP, which is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol, represents the most famous means for sending website files to a hosting account. With an FTP client application that is pre-installed on your desktop computer or laptop, you can establish a connection to your website hosting server and copy all the web files that you want with a few clicks. You can do this via a user-friendly interface and it is as simple as dragging and dropping the aforementioned files. The advantage of using File Transfer Protocol is the fact that you’re able to create separate accounts, each one with a different level of access to your web space, so if you need to provide somebody with access, for example – a designer, they will be able to access only one particular directory and won’t be able to access the remaining web content or any other info, such as personal details. Three prerequisites are necessary in order to be able to make an FTP connection – a hostname, which is normally a domain name or an IP address, a username and a password.

FTP Accounts in Hosting

Our hosting packages will allow you to set up numerous FTP accounts with just several clicks from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and to choose what files and folders each one can connect to. There’s no upper limit on the total number of accounts that you can set up, so you can have as many as you wish at any given moment. In case you don’t want to use a particular FTP account any longer or if a designer has accomplished their job and you don’t want them to access your website content any longer, you can simply delete the account in question. The Control Panel’s FTP section will permit you to view all currently existing FTP accounts shown in alphabetical order, together with various options, which you can access with one click of the mouse. You will be able to edit the password and the access path, to download an auto-config file, etcetera. We also have an in-depth Help database, which can help you manage your FTP accounts should you have any impediment.

FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Servers

You will be able to access your semi-dedicated server account via FTP irrespective of the semi-dedicated server package that you’ve picked during the registration process, since the FTP access is among the default features that you’ll be able to make use of. All our packages include an unlimited FTP account quota, so you will be able to create as many accounts as you like via the Hepsia Control Panel with which you’ll be able to manage your website content too. All the FTP accounts will be displayed in alphabetical order in the Control Panel and in case you do not need a given account any longer, you can simply remove it and block people who have used it before from connecting to it again. The latter functionality is especially handy in case you use the services of a web designer or in case an IT specialist departs the firm and you do not want them to access the website files anymore. An in-depth Help library that includes instructional video clips will help you manage your FTP accounts if you don’t possess previous experience.

FTP Accounts in VPS Servers

With a VPS server from our company, you’ll have the chance to create an unlimited number of FTP accounts to access your website content. This is valid for all VPS packages, irrespective of the hosting Control Panel that you have picked during the signup process – DirectAdmin, cPanel or Hepsia. Based on your needs, you can set up a different FTP account for every Internet site or several FTP accounts with access to a specific folder – if you wish to allow different users to access that folder using their very own set of sign-in credentials. Even if you’ve never opened a hosting account previously or in case you have experience only with a shared one, you will not have any problems setting up, deleting or editing any FTP account on the VPS server, as everything is done via an easy-to-work-with interface and takes just a couple of mouse clicks.